** For English, please scroll down Transplant Masterclasses Το αξιοθαύμαστο ταξίδι της παιδιατρικής μεταμόσχευσης Webinar: 09.10.2023 | 18:30 Το 2ο digital Transplant Masterclass, και συνολικά 3ο της σειράς των Masterclasses για τις μεταμοσχεύσεις που διοργανώνονται από το 2022 από το Ίδρυμα Ωνάση, φέρνει στις οθόνες των υπολογιστών Ο Καθηγητής Yuk Law, ο Καθηγητής Burkhard Tönshoff και ο Dr Jean de Ville de Goyet, Το πρόγραμμα εντάσσεται στην Η Transplant Masterclasses The admirable journey of pediatric transplantation Webinar: 09.10.2023 | 18:30 (UTC/GMT +3 hours). The 2nd online Transplant Masterclass―and the 3rd in this series of masterclasses organized by the Onassis Foundation since 2022―brings another educational webinar to our computer screens, focusing this time on the remarkable journey of pediatric transplantation. Prof. Yuk Law, Prof. Burkhard Tönshoff, and Dr Jean de Ville de Goyet, three distinguished and internationally renowned scientists and academics known for their contribution and work in the field of pediatric transplantation, join this year’s Transplant Masterclass to share their valuable knowledge and experience and talk to us about The program is part of the National Initiative undertaken by the Onassis Foundation to reconstruct the transplantation sector and to develop and strengthen the culture of organ donation in Greece, and is being implemented under the scientific auspices of the Hellenic Transplant Organization and the Onassis Cardiac Surgery Centre. Attendance is free; simultaneous interpretation in Greek and English is provided.